tisdag 25 november 2014

"you carry the love within"

Like you read I had a pretty bad day yesterday. But thats the good things about bad days, they are just days. Its not like you gonna feel bad a lifetime. Its a couple of days and then its over, you have good days again. And today have been one of does good ones. Nothing special really happend. Just me being me and being out in the sun and talking to a likeminded person.
I was so caught up in my bad mood yesterday and some days before that that I forgot that bad days goes away. It always gets better. Got some really amazing words from my beautiful soul down in Australia, and I was so happy reading it. She reminded me that bad days are not forever and that this is just a passing trough. This place Im at right now is not gonna be forever. And all the love you got from all people you met in your travels that feels so gone when everybody stops talking and goes back to normal life is till here. Its within you, all the dancing under the stars with the feet in the ocean, all the late nights and early mornings, all the sunrises and sunsets, all the waking up in the middle of the day next to a beautiful lake, all the running in cornfields screaming your lungs out,  all the night swimming in your birthday suits, all the love meetings, all the rock climbing, all the snorkling with turtles and sharks, all the festivals, all the beautiful souls, all the memories. You will always carry that inside of you and its yours to relive every time you want to. Just think of it and all the feelings bubble up inside. Its beautiful. Allmost magical. I miss everything ofcourse but I will always have all those memories and those beautiful people with me, wherever i go. LOVE

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