onsdag 23 juli 2014

Love lift up us high

Loving yourself is one of the hardest things to do. You will allways find something, some part of your body or something in your head or a bad hapit that you dont like. Think of it, we spend 24 fucking 7 with ourself. We´re bound to find something we dont like. Its wierd really cause in the end all we have is ourself, yeah other people can be in your life, it can me our families or a soulmate, or friends your with all the time. But when it comes down to it, its you, its allways yourself that is there. What I want to say with this is that we have to learn to be happy with ourself, is all we got, and to love ourself. Every part of us. When your with your friends that you love unconditional, we love them no matter what, all the bad sides included. So why do we humans have such a hard time just excepting ourself and love ourself for what we are? I´ve allways tought the expression "you have to love yourself before you love someone else" is a good one. Cause if you dont love yourself you can´t understand why someone else do and that makes it hard to love them. Try to see yourself in someone elses eyes. What do they love and why dont you love that?
This i just me rumbling. What I´m trying to say is that i think I´m on my way to love myself again. To be happy with what I´ve got cause its all I got. I´m not gonna grow another nose or get taller legs, i look like this and I´m allways gonna me lazy and stubborn. This is me, I look like this, I am like this. I´m just gonna except in and live with it. Change the things that´s worth changing, like habits and shit. But the rest I´m just gonna have to live with. And I´m happy with myself, I´m a fighter and if i want something i work for it and I don´t look that bad. Lift yourself up instead of stamping on yourself.  
We are all we got.

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