måndag 3 november 2014


All my heart desire. I´ve had that now. Everything I ever wanted in life. Seeing the world, beautiful meetings, love. I feel so blessed. This is my life. The life I wanted.
I can´t believe it. Everywhere I go I meet people who support me on this journey, people who wanna help, people who open up their homes, open up their hearts. Sometimes I just lean back and think yo myself I made it. I´ve done so much that I wanted to do. I followed my dreams, and here they are. Right in front of me, in the moments I´ve had. Its beautiful. But also scary. What if, what if this is not enough. What if i never find that place to call home, the place I´m gonna long for when I`m out in the world. What if I always gonna want something more. Then I decided that that's not gonna happen. My home is what i carry inside me. My home follows me wherever I go and whoever I´m with. My home is there inside of me. I´ll carry it with me to all the corners of the world. Go within or go without.
That was not at all what I was thinking to write about. Haha, me always sidetracking.
I´m back in one of my old hometowns, yeah I have a few. Since I´ve been back in Sweden I met almost all of my special ones, my soul mates. Right now I`m with Jonna, who´s one of them. One of those really special people who makes you feel so loved, blessed and happy about just being alive. Just being able to breath. Shes a walking artpiece and I`m so lucky she is my soulmate. Here I live with her and her parents in their house. Homecoock food, so much love and a bed to sleep in. All the small things. We´ve been out adventuring, meeting old friends, this friday was so beautiful. Almost everybody was there, or atleast so many people who dose´nt live here anymore at the same place at the same time, it dose´nt happen everyday. We danced, hugged, talked, laughed, listen to good music, hugged some more, broke my phone, hanged until the morning and walked all the way back in the dark. It was beautiful. And ones again I just stood there overwhelmed of how many beautiful people I have in my life, who are impressed, inspired and just glad to have me in their life's.
I´m just so happy that so many people support me in this. I gave up my security, my apartment and all my stuff. I had a good life, a nice apartment, good job, everything. But that was not what I wanted. So I gave it up. And I couldn't have done it without all my beautiful friends. They open their hearts and homes for me now when I´m back. I´m so happy for that. I really am the lucky one.
Today I´m off to my big brother for a couple of days and then Gävle! The town I last lived in, really excited. After that I leave to Norway for about a week to meet more beautiful people and then off to the other side of the world, Australia. Cant believe its happening, cant believe again this is my life. But this time I´m actually gonna try to slow down a bit, getting a job, making some money and all that stuff. Well wish me good luck, cause I know how bad I am with settling down. Hahah if you want it enough. Yeah we´ll see.

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