onsdag 23 juli 2014

When sleep is not around

Can´t really sleep. Today´s been a day that I´ve been kind of scared. Been thinking what the fuck have I got myself into? What if anything go wrong, will the money be enough. will i sell enough stuff this weekend, what if something bad happens. But then I remind myself it will all be ok, I´m following my dream, things are going to go wrong, that's life, if you don't get out of here you will not be happy. Is not the place its just that I have to follow my dreams, and I want to travel, so I can´t stay here. Still get scared as shit, so much stuff to do in to little time. I don't know if I will have time to go to my birth town and visit my grandma and my friends before I go, But its not like I´m moving to the other side of the world (yet) I can go back and visit. I could always come back. That´s comforting. It will all be ok. I just have to remind myself of that, Its scary to follow your dreams it takes you out of your comfort zone. But it also takes you to places you never seen before. Like Oslo, in Norway. where I´m moving first, I´ve never been there and I+m somehow gonna live there for a while. Its crazy. but good crazy. Exciting crazy. I'm so happy this is my life and right now I don't want the adventure to end. And it wont, if i don't let it.

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