Made it to Holland. Crazy fast. Two cars. Two fancypancy cars, one mercedes i think, cab and the second was a racer car. He just came from the racetracks in Germany made his way back to Amsterdam. Went superfast on the highway 250k/h, we laughed our hearts out. Beautiful, took us not more than 2 hours. Then directly to a barbeque party in Nijmege where we are right now. Amazing beautiful people, fell in love with this group. Had so much fun. Then with a promise of a bed i climbed on the back of a bike and held on for dear life all the way out of town to a squat to sleep in a caravan with a beautiful soul. Talked all night about nothing and everything. Slept like a queen and woke up at 15.00 and rode the bike all the way back into town for dinner with more beautiful people. Nijmege is beautiful and they have fucking Deers in outdoorcages here. I laughed so hard when i saw that on the way back today. Its so wierd, haha.
My life is amazing and everyday I´m blessed. I love what I´m doing and will not stop for a while.